General Information
Things you will need to know and provide:
- $10.00 membership fee and Agreement for Electric Service.
- $50.00 trip or connect charge.
- Pay a deposit or a satisfactory letter of credit from your previous power supplier.
- Sign all necessary paperwork that might pertain to your service such as: Residential and Commercial Information Sheets, Right-of-Way Easements, Tax Exemption Forms, etc.
- Agreement for Electric Service shall continue in force for an initial term of one (1) year from the date service is made available by the Cooperative to the Customer. After the initial term, this agreement may be terminated by either party giving notice.
- The member is required to furnish a meter loop (fully assembled) or you can purchase one from the cooperative. The Coop will install the meter loop on the meter pole. Please contact the cooperative office for the correct specifications if you furnish the meter loop (meter spec sheets may be found within this site within the Member Services tab under Electric Service).
- OUTSTANDING BILLS - Each bill for utility service(s), regardless of the nature of the service(s), is due 16 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend in which case payment is due on the next workday. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative 26 days from the date of the bill, the Customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the current tariffs.
- If your meter is disconnected for non-payment, a reconnect charge of either $100 (during normal business hours) or $120 (after normal business hours) will be added to your account. A deposit can also be subjected to be paid if the meter is disconnected
- OUTAGE FEE CHARGE - If a serviceman makes a call to your location and finds that the cause of the outage is not the Cooperative's responsibility (such as a blown fuse or tripped breaker, etc. on the customers' side of the meter), you will be billed for a service call. If the outage is the responsibility of the Cooperative, there will be no charge to you.
- METER READING - Most of Coleman County Electric Cooperative's meters are read electronically; however, we continue to have some meters that require to be physically read by a meter reader.
- RETURNED CHECKS - The Cooperative will charge $30.00 for each check or bank draft transaction that is dishonored or returned to the Cooperative. Any customer having a check or bank draft transaction dishonored two or more times in a 12-month period may be required to pay by cash, money order, or certified check.
- TEMPORARY SERVICE - Charges for Temporary Service varies depending on the customer's situation.
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - The following government or social service agencies may be able to assist you if you are having trouble making your payment for electric service to the cooperative: Cornerstone Community Action Agency
- SPECIAL SERVICES - If you or any member of your household utilize life-support equipment, or if you or any member of your family has a physical handicap warranting special consideration, please fill out the form within the Member Service tab under Life Support Registry.